Thursday, 11 August 2011

From wood to logs


As the distance from our future home to the Ikihirsi factory is only about 10 kilometres, it is really easy for us to manage any running issues with the house supplier throughout the whole project. I told the people at the plant about my blogging hobby and inspired by this, I was given a presentation about the production while our logs were made. The person who gave the presentation was the Production Manager of Ikihirsi, Mikael Ruopsa.

私たちの建築予定地はイキヒリシ工場から約10Kmの距離にあり、材料提供者として建築工程管理も容易という好条件です。 私が工場スタッフと打合せしている時に私のブログ趣味の話にもなり、ある発案をいたしました。 それは私たちのログハウス建築の全工程をブログで紹介するという事です。 そこでまずは、木材からログハウスになるまでの工程をご紹介いたします。 この資料はイキヒリシ工場のプロダクションマネージャ:Mikael Ruopsa によって提供されました。

Raw materials unloaded at the plant /  原木が工場に到着しました。
Most of the raw materials at Ikihirsi come from Hasetec Oy. The raw materials for glued logs arrive as ready dried and glued blanks. The raw materials are taken to a sheltered intermediate storage away from the weather, where they await their turn on the line.

イキヒリシ工場への原木供給の大半はHasetec Oyから行われています。ログ壁となる原木は既に集成圧着され乾燥された状態で到着します。 到着したこれらは、このような天候に左右されない格納場所に保管され裁断時期を待ちます。

Feeding table  /   供給テーブル
Long logs are brought to the feeding table by means of a forklift truck, while short logs are fed directly from the bundle using a lifting table and rollers.


The feeding table automatically feeds the blanks of raw logs to the planer. In the planing process, a longitudinal profile is made into logs.


Sawdust extraction system / おがくず抽出システム
Most of the sawdust is generated in the planing process. Sawdust extraction delivers the sawdust through a filter into a sawdust container. A heat exchange system recovers the heat from the air on the sawdust delivery path and returns it to the production premises. This helps to save heating energy and the loss of heat in the production premises in the course of sawdust extraction becomes minimum.

The sawdust in the containers is transported to a local district heating plant. The plant uses the sawdust to produce heating and electrical energy, which is returned to heat the factory buildings.

The factory and production process are planned by taking into account the energy-efficiency of the production process, which makes it possible to put raw material residues into ecological use.

All other small-size timber residues are sold to local people as firewood.





When a log comes from the planer, the machine operator checks the quality of the log surface. The quality depends on the glue, the correct dryness level of the raw material and the good condition of the blades. Mikael said that they sharpen the blades themselves and the planing blades are sharpened every other day on average, depending on the planed quantity and other such aspects.

プレーナから出てきたログ材をオペレータがチェックします。この工程での品質は接着材・原木の乾燥状態に左右され、プレーナーの歯の最適な設定が要となります。 プロダクトマネージャーのMikaelはこの歯の設定を自分の手で調整し、1日に一度は歯を研ぎ、高品質を維持させます。

After the planing, logs are automatically moved to a side conveyor. The planing operator can plane to this storage area the quantity needed for around one hour's work of the tenoning machine. The intermediate storage area becomes full in a quarter of an hour, depending on the log size; with smaller logs, the table becomes full in less time, depending on the feeding speed of the planer.


Kyösti Välikangas at the tenoning machine / テクノロジーマシンKyösti Välikangas
All logs are given a quality check before being sent to the tenoning machine. The blanks are inspected using a log rotator and any substandard areas are removed, using a set-off button. Each blank is also pushed through a measuring roll, which measures the length of the blank.


Going to the tenoning machine / 次の工程、テクノロジーマシンへの送入
A measuring counterplate at the tenoning machine pushes the inspected and measured log into the processing.


Tenoning control system /  テクノロジー制御システム
A programme makes processing lists on the basis of wall plans drawn up by designers, which are automatically saved directly from the planning unit to the production system. The processing list process is monitored and controlled from the screen of the tenoning machine. If a planed log has been measured earlier, the system uses this to optimise the unprocessed log so that the percentage of losses would be as low as possible.


The tenoning machine processes the whole log automatically with millimetre precision, following the processing lists. The processing not only includes tenon joints, but also holes for electricity, for tenons, bolts, spline grooves, sawing the openings, sawing the end miters, decorative miters and cutting the log to the right size.


The conveyor of the tenoning machine takes the completed log to the packaging table. Underneath the conveyor runs a belt for residual blocks that are taken outside.


Kyösti Välikangas checking the quality / Kyösti Välikangasの品質検査
The operator of the tenoning machine is constantly viewing the processing quality. The factory is able to produce with millimetre precision thanks to the sharp blades and the proper care and maintenance of the tenoning machine, which includes regular cleaning and greasing of the machine and sufficiently frequent replacement of wearing parts.


The label printer prints out the identification code for each log in the order they are processed, and the label is attached to the end of the log.


Juha Kovalainen checking the processing /
Juha Kovalainenが加工結果をチェックします。
In the monitoring of the processing, each log arriving from the line is compared with the wall drawings. The log is marked as done.


Petteri Jämsä (left) and Jonne Ruopsa in the lifting job. /
Petteri Jämsä (左) と Jonne Ruopsa(右)はログ材移動です。
From the packaging table, the log is moved to a numbered package pallet by means of a hoist.


The packaging system reads the processing stages of the tenoning machine. When a log is completed, it is offered to the packaging system. After the final quality check, the given log is transferred in the system to the correct bundle number.


The logs are positioned in the bundle so that the bundle would be in the shape of a cubicle, easily loaded, with the right weight and in the right size. Logs would be positioned in the bundle in the way that would make the erection at the site as easy as possible.


The plant marks its products with a quality stamp made from metal. The right place for the location of the quality stamp is determined during the planning stage – which will be next to our future external door.


Bundles are covered with weather-resistant film from the top and on the sides. From below, they are protected with wooden pallets to avoid any damages when the bundles are taken from one location to another.


Reijo Mourujärvi binding a bundle /  Reijo Mourujärviが梱包しています。
Bundles are bound with a binding rope. There are protection boards under the rope to protect the whole bundle against possible damages.


A ready bundle with the name of the project, number of the bundle and
the size of the package marked on the package. /

Completed bundles ready for transportation to the site are stored either outdoors or under a shelter, depending on the storage time.


For quality assurance, a moisture monitoring report is recorded, in which the moisture of the log is monitored during the project. The same report also includes tenon joint check records. In the tenon joint check, the tightness of the corner is checked at regular intervals by laying a few logs on top of one another.


The bundle list shows the total number of bundles, the sizes and weights of the bundles. This makes planning of the loading at the factory and later erection at the site easier.


The bundle card printed out by the packaging system shows which logs are in which bundles.


The same system also gives out a summary report, which is an important tool when erecting at the work site. In this card, you can quickly check the bundle where a certain log is.


Now the ready logs are waiting for the transportation to our home plot. Ikihirsi has done a good job and their slogan "The best log houses of Lapland" is well earned, at least so far :). From now on professional installation people Reijo Tapio and Juha Lehtola will ensure the quality.

ログハウス材料はすべて揃い、建築予定地への輸送待ちとなっています。イキヒリシ社は良い仕事をしてくれました。彼らのスローガンは“最高のログハウスをラップランドから”です。さてこれからプロフェッショナルの大工Reijo Tapio と Juha Lehtolaの手により作業が開始されます。

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Thoughts and building the ground floor


The masonry of the separation wall of toilet and dressing room /
So many things to do while the building project; getting all sorts of permissions like building permission, listening the neighbours, getting insurances for carpenters and construction site.


The first meeting about the building was held in Ikihirsi office. There were carpenter, builder, building inspector and building supervisor.

Summer holiday is in our dreams so we have worked very much. We hope to have a holiday before the logs come from Ikihirsi but might just be that we are too busy.

All sorts of working men /
After finishing the outer walls we flattened the ground with sand and gravel. Radongas pipeline was immersed into the gravel. There shouldn’t be any gas in the soil, but because we didn’t get any proper certainty, we decided to put the radonpipelines just in case. The bearing separation walls were masoned before casting the floor, rest of the walls were masoned after that. We widened the bathroom, just in case one day we want to have a Jacuzzi. Because of the widening we also had to chance the walls of sauna and diminished the dressing room. We also moved the pipe away from sauna and the new place is dressing room. There is also a minor detail to decide: electronic sauna heater or more traditional heater with woods? We were first thinking of the traditional one but maybe electronic is more rational solution to this sauna. And we already have another sauna at the lakeside with traditional heater. Well, time will tell!


Matti Kelloniemi working /
Matti Kelloniemiが作業中です。

Sand into the living room /
We put thyrox-plates on the gravellevel and immersed waterpipes in them. On thyrox we put iron bars and to them we stick the underfloor heating pipes. In the end we just casted the floor. SounDs simple and easy but in real life it wasn’t simple at all.


Sauna and bathroom /

Utility room /

The castingmass was from the Ruskon Betoni Oy /
床下地の施工はRuskon Betoni Oy社です。

Masoner Tenho Lehtola casting the floor /
Masoner Tenho Lehtolaを床下地に施工
Because the casting day was hot we had some problems; cement could dry too fast and that would cause clefts into the floor. We solved this by watering the floors once in six or eight hours: no clefts. ;)


Tuesday, 2 August 2011

The walls rose higher


The wall was build 15 rounds more from the side of the carport and 17 rounds from the side of living room + we also put blocks around the edges. After lifting those blocks to mason was no need to go to gym. (Big thanks to the voluntary helpers!)


We went through the exterior with brush and pestle. With the roll we put the primer to those parts of walls that are in touch with the ground and to that was heated protection mat which protects the moisture absorption.


The outer walls were paved by plastering. /

Spread the primer. /