Friday, 3 February 2012

Outdoor work done in December / 外部作業は12月になったので休止です

terrace frame / テラスのフレーム

There was one beautiful cold winter day when our relatives came to visiting us from Kajaani. They came to check the building site and wondered the January is almost got the end and house is not ready. They had follow the blog and the basis of that “We got the roof on your head”. It happens that planning work take so much time from the Blogger ;) Let’s give forgiveness this little delay. Let’s update December.
寒かったですが快晴のある日、カヤーニ(Kajaani)の友人達がやってきました。彼らは現場を一目見て驚きました。何故ならもう1月になるのにログハウスがまったく完成していなかったからです。彼らは私のブログ(We got the roof on your head)を見て現場の様子は知っていたはずだったのですが・・・。プランニングに費やした時間が長かった事に原因はありますが、まあご容赦頂きましょう。さて12月分のブログを更新します。

roof trusses of car port  / カーポートの屋根組

upstairs in stage, roof battening / ロフト,小屋組の間柱

Juha nails the windsheet plates on exterior walls

The mason Tenho Lehtola made a masonry a couple of days, the fire wall is now through the roof. It’s has been snowing the end of December much that we will continue the outdoor work until the next spring.
石職人のTenho Lehtolaは数日間現場に入ってくれました。その結果、暖炉の壁も屋根まで完成しました。この12月に入っての雪の量は半端ではありません。外部作業は春までお預けとします。

Windsheet plates and windows installed. Then we got to the interior work :) 
Insulations, reinforcements and floor heating pipes installation

To entrance / wall-in closet will become a separate heating control 

Tenho is pondering / Tenhoが思案中

Reijo is watching with the laser that the floor should be direct 

The floor cast for middle layer was in Christmas week, the concrete delivered Ruskon Betoni Oy.
It was then stay a good Christmas holiday, the doors were closed, I kept myself a holiday and free from construction work. ;)

床の左官作業はクリスマス中に行いました。コンクリートはRuskon Betoni Oyが持って来てくれました。その作業が終わった後のクリスマスは建築現場も閉めて、ゆっくり休めました。

When ordering the window was a small mistake occurred, the staircase windows have to be thicker glass and fixed casement, well now in place is opening ordinary windows. However, the case has taken into account, the new windows ordered and now they are waiting for exchange in our building site. Be mentioned, that there has been a nice surprises too, thank you for Ikihirsi such a nice Christmas Gifts which we found from our building site. Thank you to all volunteers! :)

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