Sunday, 26 June 2011

Making the foundation

The position of the house is now starting to take shape. We began with the stonework on Friday a fortnight ago. A lot to think about again - we've been moving the partition walls, expanding the sauna and the washroom, changing a bit of the places of windows.



Cement carriage

There have been slight hitches now and then, one day the helpers of the mason were working so hard that it escaped them to leave the opening for the window in the wall, so there was a lot of sawing later, to have the openings for windows... well, these things happen, even to the cream of the crop ;) But we don't let such small things bring down the good working mood and surely, there have to be hitches from time to time.


Now that we're both at work, we wouldn't have anything without working bees! And extremely good ones. Not to speak about really skilful carpenters. So far, rain has interrupted our work only on one day, so in that respect we might say that the weather has been in our favour.


Stonework is carried out by Tenho Lehtola, the local mason.

石積は地元の職人Tenho Lehtolaが行います。

Each block that is tapped to its place brings a smile to the face ;) it takes so little for a man to be happy.


Veli-Matti Moilanen from the transporting service Moilanen Oy taking the blocks and other goods from Rautia to the plot.

輸送会社Moilanen OyのVeli-Matti Moilanenはブロックや他の部材をRautiaから運んでくれました。

Work supervisor Anton checking
the work with the disc saw from a milk car.

There's no such problem as spare time, all days off are spent nicely at the building site. At my homeplace we have a disc saw and wood of our own, so we've been able to use all styles and shapes of timber, which have been transported to the lot in more than one occasion.


11 levels of blocks laid by now, this is now a good point to take a Midsummer holiday break.


Wednesday, 22 June 2011

The planning is the order of the day

Exchange of views with Anton and Juha

Monday, 20 June 2011


基礎 工事

Sewerage and water supply connections were taken to the plot already last summer

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Clearing the plot

First tree felled on the plot. At this it crossed my mind that if it only were as quick and easy to build something new, compared to felling trees and demolishing the old ... Father and we, both brothers were of great help in felling the trees. Two Sundays passed nicely. And there were not so very few branches. It took several evenings to cut and chop the firewood, which finally made a nice pile.



Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Well planned is half done

Still focus in the plans....
On Spring 2010 we wanted to get a professional view of the drawings and official photos of the house. We visited the Ikihirsi Log House factory; this was a natural choice, because the factory is located in our home town and we had heard a lot of positive things about Ikihirsi.  


私達が初めてイキヒリシ工場を訪問したのは2010年の春です。 この訪問理由はログハウスの専門家よるプランニングとCGによる完成予想図を提案してもらう為でした。 イキヒリシ工場は私達の住む街にあり、地元では評判が高いので当然の選択となりました。 私達の訪問時、設計主任のKauko Rytilahtiが対応し、私達のログハウス構想をヘアリングしてくれました。 その結果、基本設計図が提示されましたが、まだ完璧ではありません。現時点では、その基本設計を元に細部の変更を度重ね現在に至っています。もしも皆さんがログハウスのプランをする場合、プロの設計者によるアドバイスを得ながら進めて行く事をお勧めします。何故ならプロの設計者は要求する要件を合理的に実現してくれるからです。ログハウスという特殊性は、素人である私達のプランそのままでは実現できない場合があるからです。そんな理由でイキヒリシは柔軟に対応してくれるので私達にとってはラッキーな存在と言えます。